IGLTA Featured Destinations

On a global scale, LGBTQ+ travelers are using IGLTA as a resource to find businesses that welcome them into the world of travel. Our LGBTQ+-friendly tourism community includes businesses of all sizes in more than 75 countries, from small, localized service providers to major corporations. To make an even greater impact with LGBTQ+ travelers, become an IGLTA Featured Destination.

This special marketing package is open to any IGLTA member in the CVB/Tourist Bureau categories wishing to strengthen its commitment to welcoming LGBTQ+ travelers. It's a big market and this is a big world. Together we can help LGBTQ+ travelers see more of it.

Marketing benefits included in this Membership Package:

  • 1 annual IGLTA membership with dynamic listing on website including:
    • Enhanced listing upgrade (moves listing to top of search results)
    • Featured destination banner on profile  Featured Destination Badge
  • 1 Registration for the IGLTA Global Convention
  • 2 eBlasts (business or consumer)
  • 2 IGLTA eNewsletter sponsorships (business or consumer)
  • TravelOutNewsWire press release distribution or IGLTA Press FAM Consulting Package | FAM Consulting Package - Travel Advisors
  • Destination/Business-specific cover photo postings on IGLTA Facebook page (up to three per year)
  • Social media integration using dedicated posts
    • 6x posts: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn
  • Featured Destinations also receive a discount code for 10% off IGLTA membership to share with tourism/hospitality businesses in their area.

Click here to download the marketing specifications. 


Annual Membership Package Rate

Featured Destinations


Total value of above: $12,700 USD + social media value