IGLTA Featured Businesses

On a global scale, LGBTQ+ travelers are using IGLTA as a resource to find businesses that welcome them into the world of travel. Make sure your brand stands out by becoming an IGLTA Featured Business. Join us to be part of a global LGBTQ+ friendly tourism community that includes major corporations, as well as many localized businesses and organizations.

The IGLTA Featured Business Package is open to any IGLTA member, accommodation, business or brand wishing to strengthen its commitment to welcoming LGBTQ+ travelers. It's a big market and this is a big world. Together we can help LGBTQ+ travelers see more of it.

Marketing benefits included in this Membership Package:

  • 1 annual IGLTA membership with dynamic profile on website including:
    • Enhanced listing upgrade (moves listing to top of search results)
    • Featured business banner on profile  
  • 1 Registration for the IGLTA Global Convention
  • 2 eBlasts (business or consumer)
  • 2 IGLTA eNewsletter sponsorship (business or consumer)
  • TravelOutNewsWire press release distribution or IGLTA Press FAM Consulting Package | FAM Consulting Package - Travel Advisors
  • Destination/Business-specific cover photo postings on IGLTA Facebook page (up to three per year)
  • Social media integration using dedicated posts
    • 6x posts: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn
  • Complimentary Supplier access to #IGLTAgo – Virtual Marketplace
  • 1-month banner ad on IGLTA.org homepage
  • Featured Destinations also receive a discount code for 10% off IGLTA membership to share with tourism/hospitality businesses in their area.

Click here to download the marketing specifications.


Annual Membership Package Rate

Featured Businesses



Total value of above: $16,050 + social media value